The specialized stock of this branch library adds up to more than 6,000 items, including books, periodicals, albums, online resources, special editions with reproductions, electronic media and habilitation papers in the following fields: art history; aesthetics; art studies; painting, sculpture, drawing and graphic art techniques and technology; art theory: colour studies, plastic anatomy, perspective, and composition; architecture; plastic, monumental, applied and decorative art; art of religions; font art; illustration art; fresco painting; conservation and restoration; photography; music; theatre and cinema; museum work; Bulgarian and world art galleries.
The library also has a large amount of specialized literature in Russian, English, German, French, Dutch, Romanian, Spanish, Italian, Hungarian, and Czech, as well as in Chinese, Japanese, Sanskrit, Hebrew, Arabic, Georgian, and other languages. The library is housed in a new room with modern equipment. It has a total of 30 reading places.