The multidisciplinary
Academic Search Ultimate database is part of
EBSCO. It provides access to more than 6,500 peer-reviewed academic journals, of which 5,200 have been indexed in Web of Science or in Scopus. The collection also includes over 67,000 Associated Press videos. It is updated on a monthly basis and includes footage since 1930.
* The access is provided by the University’s computer network.
Ciela Norma AD’s Arhiv Darzhaven vestnik (State Gazette Archive) database provides access to full-text digital copies of the State Gazette in PDF format for the period 1920–1947. The archive is organized by year and by number date. The work with the archival documents is facilitated via filtering the database and full-text search in its contents. The access is provided at the Central University Library and at all branch libraries.
Scopus is a multidisciplinary bibliographic and scientometric database. It contains indexed and cited publications from peer-reviewed academic periodicals, open-access journals, monographs, collections, conference papers, patents, etc. The subscription to Scopus is provided by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science.
* The access to the database is free of charge and password-free for the University’s computer network.

Web of Science is a multidisciplinary citation platform. It includes indexed and cited publications from academic periodicals, peer-reviewed journals, open-access journals, monographs, collections, conference papers, patents, etc. The platform covers the following additional scientometric resources: InCites, Journal Citation Reports, Essential Science Indicators, EndNote, Publons, Kopernio, and Master Journal List.
* The access to the database is free of charge and password-free for the University’s computer network.
BIOSIS Citation IndexTM is a referential database that is part of Clarivate. It provides access to scientific editions in the domain of biology related to botany, zoology, and microbiology. It also contains publications in the fields of biomedicine, agriculture, pharmacology, and ecology. It also includes interdisciplinary fields, such as medicine, biochemistry, biophysics, bioengineering, and biotechnology. The publications it provides access to date since 1926.
* The access to the database is free of charge and password-free for the University’s computer network.
Thomson Reuters’s Journal Citation Reports is a web-based platform for journals with an impact factor. The dataset provides bibliographic information and citation references from academic periodicals, collections, conference papers, etc. JCR provides the opportunity to search for indexed publications up to ten years ago (from 2004 to 2012). Searches can be carried out on the basis of the following criteria: subject area, publisher, country, as well as specific journal name or ISSN number.
* The access to the database is free of charge and password-free for the University’s computer network.
JSTOR is a multidisciplinary digital archive that covers the period from 1665 to the present day. It stores publications in the following fields: regional studies, arts, business, economics, history, humanitarian studies, law, medicine, healthcare, natural sciences, applied sciences, mathematics, social sciences, as well as interdisciplinary fields of knowledge. The collections include articles from peer-reviewed academic journals and book chapters, some of which are open access.
The database is archival and full-text access is available only for previous years (from two to five years ago).
* Only the open-access part of the database can be used.