Code of ethics

HomeRequirements to the authorsCode of ethicsEditorial board Issues БГ

The "International Biennale of Church Arts" catalogue is an academic journal, in which works in the field of Orthodox church arts are published: icon painting, mural painting, woodcarving, mosaics, etc., which contribute to church decoration and divine service. It is published periodically – every two years – by the Department of Church Arts, Faculty of Orthodox Theology at the "St. Cyril and St. Methodius" University of Veliko Tarnovo. The works published in the catalogue are considered and approved by an editorial board. Admissible for publication in the catalogue are also original articles and reviews in the scientific field of the forum. Works with proven authenticity and authorship are selected based on a review by experts. The entire publishing and reviewing process is thorough, objective and fair.

All parties involved in the process of editing and publishing the catalogue are bound by the following essential ethical principles:

  1. Authorship

    Authorship is a significant intellectual contribution to the creative work of the artist. Each author completes and signs an application form, an important part of which is the declaration of authorship. When the work is created by a team of authors, they are listed in the order defined by the team leader, and the declaration (application form) is signed by the team leader. The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the information provided in the application form and shall guarantee this accuracy.

  2. Committee assessing the eligibility for participation and publication

    The committee that will assess the eligibility of the presented works for participation in the "International Biennale of Church Arts" catalogue includes experts selected by the editor-in-chief and the editorial board, which are also members of this committee. The eligibility criteria are determined by the committee and its decision is not negotiable. A list of the approved works and authors will be published in the specified websites.

  3. Editorial board

    The criteria for approval and publishing are based on the work originality and relevance to the scope and content of the biennale and the catalogue. In case it is subsequently established that the publication contains errors and/or faults, the editor shall be responsible for correction of the texts, but not for the reliability of the information provided by the authors.

  4. Copyright

    Works may not be used or reproduced by anybody and in any way without the express permission of their creator or his/her authorized representative. This is valid for any reproduction of a work, whether in print or online.