International Students Admission


Bachelor`s Degree Programmes

  1. Business Management, 8 semesters

    Annual tuition fee: € 1500

  2. Tourism
      • Study programme: Tourism
      • Faculty: Faculty of Economics
      • Degree: Bachelor’s degree
      • Field of studies: 3.9 Tourism
      • Duration of study: 4 years (8 semesters)
      • Location: Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
      • Admission requirements: According to the Regulations for students` admission to St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo in the various educational and qualification degrees applicable for the relevant academic year. The programme is designed for foreign students.
      • Instruction type: FULL TIME, PART-TIME
      • Language: English
      • Courses: 38 compulsory courses + 30 elective courses + 18 optional courses 
      • ECTS of the programme: 240
      • Awarded degree: Bachelor in Tourism
      • Annual tuition fee for international students: € 1500

      The aim of the program is to prepare specialists with high-quality theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and competences who can lead and participate in the production, investment, innovation, accounting, marketing and mediation activities of enterprises from the tourism sector. Students acquire a wide-ranging training for work in the tourism sector, which is formed on the basis of the scientific tools of economics, management and geography. Special emphasis in training is placed on the development of creativity of each student. Together with solid theoretical training, they make the student adaptable to the rapidly changing market environment and the variety of activities in tourism.

      The candidates are expected to submit either an internationally recognized English-language certificate proving that they have sufficient knowledge of it (for instance, IELTS, Oxford Test of English, FCE, CAE) or an academic transcript of subjects on their BA curriculum which were taught in English. The minimal level of English language proficiency for all candidates is B2.

Master`s Degree Programmes

  1. English as a Foreign Language in Primary Schools (ISCED – LEVEL 1), 2 or 3 semesters programme
      • Study programme: English as a Foreign Language in Primary Schools (ISCED – LEVEL 1)
      • Faculty: Faculty of Education
      • Degree: Master’s degree
      • Field of studies: 1.2. Pedagogy
      • Duration of study: 1 year (2 semesters)
      • Location: Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
      • Admission requirements: a bachelor’s degree with at least 240 ECTS / or master's degree with at least 300 ECTS (Post-BA or MA) in the same field of studies (1.2. Pedagogy).
      • Study type: FULL-TIME/PART-TIME
      • Language: English
      • Courses: 8 core + 2 elective + 1 facultative
      • ECTS of the programme: 60
      • Awarded degree: Мaster in Pedagogy
      • Annual tuition fee for international students: € 1950

      The one-year study programme is aimed at students who want to become primary English teachers; it comprises 6 core courses; from the 6 elective courses students have to choose 2. There is also 1 facultative course in the study programme.

      The candidates are expected to submit either an internationally recognized English-language certificate proving that they have sufficient knowledge of it (for instance, IELTS, Oxford Test of English, FCE, CAE) or an academic transcript of subjects on their BA curriculum which were taught in English. The minimal level of English language proficiency for all candidates is B2.

      • Study programme: English as a Foreign Language in Primary Schools (ISCED – LEVEL 1)
      • Faculty: Faculty of Education
      • Degree: Master’s degree
      • Field of studies: 1.2. Pedagogy
      • Duration of study:  3 semesters
      • Location: Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
      • Admission requirements: a bachelor’s degree with at least 240 ECTS / or master's degree with at least 300 ECTS (Post-BA or MA)
      • Study type: FULL-TIME/PART-TIME
      • Language: English
      • Courses: 11 core + 4 elective + 1 facultative
      • ECTS of the programme: 90
      • Awarded degree: Мaster in Pedagogy
      Annual tuition fee for international students: € 1950

      The one-and-a-half-year study-programme is aimed at students who want to become primary English teachers; it comprises 11 core courses; from the 12 elective courses students have to choose 4. There is also 1 facultative course in the study programme.

      The candidates are expected to submit either an internationally recognized English-language certificate proving that they have sufficient knowledge of it (for instance, IELTS, Oxford Test of English, FCE, CAE) or an academic transcript of subjects on their BA curriculum which were taught in English. The minimal level of English language proficiency for all candidates is B2.

  2. Anglophone Studies. Language – Culture – Literature
      • Study programme: Anglophone Studies. Language – Culture – Literature
      • Faculty: Faculty of Modern Languages
      • Degree: Master’s degree
      • Field of studies: 2.1. Philology
      • Duration of study: 1 year (2 semesters)
      • Location: Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria / Sveti Nikole or Bitola, Republic of North Macedonia
      • Admission requirements: a bachelor’s degree with at least 240 ECTS / or master's degree with at least 300 ECTS (Post-BA or MA)
      • Study type: FULL-TIME
      • Language: English
      • Courses: 6 core + 4 elective
      • ECTS of the programme: 60
      • Awarded degree: Мaster in Philology
      • Annual tuition fee for international students: € 1950

      The one year study programmes comprise 6 core courses; from the 8 elective courses students have to choose 4.

      The candidates are expected to submit either an internationally recognized English-language certificate proving that they have sufficient knowledge of it (for instance, IELTS, Oxford Test of English, FCE, CAE) or an academic transcript of subjects on their BA curriculum which were taught in English. If applicants cannot provide any proof of their English language proficiency, they have to take an admission test in English. The minimal level of English language proficiency for all candidates is B2.

  3. Existential Sharing
      • Study programme: Existential Sharing
      • Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy
      • Degree: Master’s degree
      • Field of studies: 2.3. Philosophy
      • Duration of study: 1 year (2 semesters)
      • Location: Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria     
      • Admission requirements: a bachelor’s degree with at least 240 ECTS
      • Study type: FULL-TIME
      • Language: English
      • Courses: 9 core + 6 elective
      • ECTS of the programme: 60
      • Awarded degree: Мaster in Philosophy
      Annual tuition fee for international students: € 1950

      The programme comprises 9 core courses; from the 6 elective courses the students have to choose 2.

      The candidates are expected to submit either an internationally recognized English-language certificate proving that they have sufficient knowledge of the language (for instance, IELTS, Oxford Test of English, FCE, CAE) or an academic transcript of subjects on their BA curriculum which were taught in English. If applicants cannot provide any proof of their English language proficiency, they have to take an admission test in English. The level of English language proficiency for all candidates is B2.

      • Study programme: Existential Sharing
      • Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy
      • Degree: Master’s degree
      • Field of studies: 2.3. Philosophy
      • Duration of study: 2 years (4 semesters)
      • Location: Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria     
      • Admission requirements: BA degree with a study duration of three years from foreign universities
      • Study type: FULL-TIME
      • Language: English
      • Courses: 17 core + 11 elective
      • ECTS of the programme: 120
      • Awarded degree: Мaster in Philosophy
      • Annual tuition fee for international students: € 1950

      The programme comprises 17 core courses; from the 11 elective courses the students have to choose 2 per semester.

      The candidates are expected to submit either an internationally recognized English-language certificate proving that they have sufficient knowledge of the language (for instance, IELTS, Oxford Test of English, FCE, CAE) or an academic transcript of subjects on their BA curriculum which were taught in English. If applicants cannot provide any proof of their English language proficiency, they have to take an admission test in English. The level of English language proficiency for all candidates is B2.

  4. Politology. International Relations, 4 semesters

    Annual tuition fee: € 1950

  5. Regional Development
      • Study programme: Regional Development
      • Faculty: Faculty of History
      • Degree: Master’s degree
      • Field of studies: 4.4 Earth Sciences
      • Location: Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria / Sveti Nikole or Bitola, Republic of North Macedonia
      • Duration of study: 1 year (2 semesters)
      • Admission requirements: a bachelor’s degree with at least 240 ECTS, and Post-BA or MA in the same field of studies (4.4 Earth Sciences).
      • Study type: FULL-TIME
      • Language: English
      • Courses: 10 core + 4 elective
      • ECTS of the programme: 60
      • Awarded degree: Мaster in Regional Development
      • Annual tuition fee for international students: € 2250

      The one year study programmes comprise 10 core courses; from the 6 elective courses students have to choose 4.

      There are no entrance exams for admission at the graduate level.

  6. Computer Science. Applied Computer Science
      • Study programme: Computer Science. Applied Computer Science
      • Faculty: Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics
      • Degree: Master’s degree
      • Field of studies: 4.6 Informatics and Computer Science
      • Location: Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria / Sveti Nikole or Bitola, Republic of North Macedonia
      • Duration of study: 1.5 year (3 semesters)
      • Admission requirements: a bachelor’s degree with at least 240 ECTS, and Post-BA or MA in the same field of studies (4.6 Informatics and Computer Science).
      • Study type: FULL-TIME
      • Language: English
      • Courses: 5 core + 3 elective + 2 optional and 1 semester for practice
      • ECTS of the programme: 90
      • Awarded degree: Мaster in Computer Science
      • Annual tuition fee for international students: € 2250

      The 1.5 year study programmes comprise 5 core courses and practice; from the 7 elective courses students have to choose 3, and from the 4 optional courses students have to choose 2.

      There are no entrance exams for admission at the graduate level.

  7. Digital Humanities: Language, Culture, Communication, 2 semesters
      • Study programme: Digital Humanities: Language, Culture, Communication
      • Faculty: Faculty of Modern Languages
      • Degree: Master’s degree
      • Field of studies: 2.1. Philology
      • Duration of study: 1 year (2 semesters)
      • Location: Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria / Sveti Nikole or Bitola, Republic of North Macedonia
      • Admission requirements: a bachelor’s degree with at least 240 ECTS or a master’s degree with at least 300 ECTS
      • Study type: FULL-TIME
      • Language: English
      • Courses: 6 core + 2 elective
      • ECTS of the programme: 60
      • Awarded degree: Мaster in Philology
      • Annual tuition fee for international students: € 1950

      The programme comprises 6 core courses; from the 4 elective courses the students have to choose 2.

      The candidates are expected to submit either an internationally recognized English-language certificate proving that they have sufficient knowledge of the language (for instance, IELTS, Oxford Test of English, FCE, CAE) or an academic transcript of subjects on their BA curriculum which were taught in English. If applicants cannot provide any proof of their English language proficiency, they have to take an admission test in English. The level of English language proficiency for all candidates is С1+.


Veliko Tarnovo University offers three Master’s degree programmes for the academic year 2022-2023 at its academic units in Sveti Nikole, Republic of North Macedonia, as follows:

  1. Anglophone Studies. Language – Culture – Literature
      • Study programme: Anglophone Studies. Language – Culture – Literature
      • Faculty: Faculty of Modern Languages
      • Degree: Master’s degree
      • Field of studies: 2.1. Philology
      • Duration of study: 1 year (2 semesters)
      • Location: Sveti Nikole or Bitola, Republic of North Macedonia
      • Admission requirements: a bachelor’s degree with at least 240 ECTS / or master's degree with at least 300 ECTS (Post-BA or MA)
      • Study type: FULL-TIME
      • Language: English
      • Courses: 6 core + 4 elective
      • ECTS of the programme: 60
      • Awarded degree: Мaster in Philology
      • Annual tuition fee for international students: EUR 1300

      The one year study programmes comprise 6 core courses; from the 8 elective courses students have to choose 4.

      The candidates are expected to submit either an internationally recognized English-language certificate proving that they have sufficient knowledge of it (for instance, IELTS, Oxford Test of English, FCE, CAE) or an academic transcript of subjects on their BA curriculum which were taught in English. If applicants cannot provide any proof of their English language proficiency, they have to take an admission test in English. The minimal level of English language proficiency for all candidates is B2.

  2. Regional Development
      • Study programme: Regional Development
      • Faculty: Faculty of History
      • Degree: Master’s degree
      • Field of studies: 4.4 Earth Sciences
      • Location: Sveti Nikole or Bitola, Republic of North Macedonia
      • Duration of study: 1 year (2 semesters)
      • Admission requirements: a bachelor’s degree with at least 240 ECTS, and Post-BA or MA in the same field of studies (4.4 Earth Sciences).
      • Study type: FULL-TIME
      • Language: English
      • Courses: 10 core + 4 elective
      • ECTS of the programme: 60
      • Awarded degree: Мaster in Regional Development
      • Annual tuition fee for international students: EUR 1500

      The one year study programmes comprise 10 core courses; from the 6 elective courses students have to choose 4.

      There are no entrance exams for admission at the graduate level.

      • Study program: Regional Development
      • Faculty: Faculty of History
      • Degree: Master’s degree
      • Field of studies: 4.4 Earth Sciences
      • Location: Sveti Nikole or Bitola, Republic of North Macedonia
      • Duration of studies: 1.5 year (3 semesters)
      • Admission requirements: a bachelor’s degree with at least 240 ECTS, and Post-BA or MA in a different field of studies (other than 4.4 Earth Sciences).
      • Study type: FULL-TIME
      • Language: English
      • Courses: 16 core + 6 elective + 2 optional
      • ECTS of the programme: 90
      • Awarded degree: Мaster in Regional Development
      • Annual tuition fee for international students: EUR 1500

      The 1.5 year study programmes comprise 16 core courses; from the 9 elective courses students have to choose 6, and from the 4 optional courses students have to choose 2.

      There are no entrance exams for admission at the graduate level.

  3. Computer Science. Applied Computer Science
      • Study programme: Computer Science. Applied Computer Science
      • Faculty: Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics
      • Degree: Master’s degree
      • Field of studies: 4.6 Informatics and Computer Science
      • Location: Sveti Nikole or Bitola, Republic of North Macedonia
      • Duration of study: 1.5 year (3 semesters)
      • Admission requirements: a bachelor’s degree with at least 240 ECTS, and Post-BA or MA in the same field of studies (4.6 Informatics and Computer Science).
      • Study type: FULL-TIME
      • Language: English
      • Courses: 5 core + 3 elective + 2 optional and 1 semester for practice
      • ECTS of the programme: 90
      • Awarded degree: Мaster in Computer Science
      • Annual tuition fee for international students: EUR 1500

      The 1.5 year study programmes comprise 5 core courses and practice; from the 7 elective courses students have to choose 3, and from the 4 optional courses students have to choose 2.

      There are no entrance exams for admission at the graduate level.

      • Study programme: Computer Science. Applied Computer Science
      • Faculty: Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics
      • Degree: Master’s degree
      • Field of studies: 4.6 Informatics and Computer Science
      • Location: Sveti Nikole or Bitola, Republic of North Macedonia
      • Duration of study: 2 years (4 semesters)
      • Admission requirements: a bachelor’s degree with at least 240 ECTS, and Post-BA or MA in a different field of studies (other than 4.6 Informatics and Computer Science).
      • Study type: FULL-TIME
      • Language: English
      • Courses: 10 core + 3 elective + 2 optional + 1 semester for practice
      • ECTS of the programme: 120
      • Awarded degree: Мaster in Computer Science.
      • Annual tuition fee for international students: EUR 1500

      The 2 year study programmes comprise 10 core courses and practice; from the 7 elective courses students have to choose 3, and from the 4 optional courses students have to choose 2.

      There are no entrance exams for admission at the graduate level.

The study type of master’s degree programmes is full time (blended learning: both in-person and online classes). The duration of studies is 1 year (2 semesters) or 1.5 years (3 semesters), or 2 years (4 semesters) depending on the previous education of the candidates.

Annual tuition fees*

Master’s degree programmes

Professional fields

Master after bachelor

Full Time

Part Time

2.1. Philology

€ 1300

€ 1300

4.4. Earth Sciences

€ 1500

€ 1500

4.6. Informatics and Computer Science

€ 1500

€ 1500

* International students pay the annual tuition fee in halves for each semester of the academic year.


The University of Veliko Tarnovo provides Bulgarian language studies and specialized training to foreign citizens who would like to study at Bulgarian universities. The curriculum is in accordance with the Bulgarian state requirements. The Bulgarian language courses are organized by the Department for Language Teaching. Foreign citizens who speak Bulgarian language can sit for an exam without having attended language courses.

Tuition fee for the Bulgarian language course: € 3000 (the language course tuition fee is deposited upon enrolment in the course)


The University of Veliko Tarnovo offers bachelor degree, master degree and PhD programmes taught in Bulgarian. Please, check the electronic catalogue of the degree programmes and select a programme of your choice. Knowledge of Bulgarian language is required for admission in the degree programmes listed in the catalogue. However, some of the programmes are taught in English language, as well. For further information, please contact:

Mrs Silviya Georgieva

Please, note: the BA programmes of the Faculty of Modern Languages do not presuppose the formation of a separate group of international students. The international students enrolled in the programmes attend classes together with the Bulgarian students enrolled in the programme. The rest of the bachelor’s degree programmes require the minimum of 5 students to start tuition. If the number of students in the respective programme is below 5, no tuition is initiated for the current academic year.



Areas of higher education, professional fields and programmes

Full Time

Part Time

Education theory and management, Pedagogy, Pedagogy of teaching..., Economics, Tourism, Administration and governance, Philology, Psychology, Sociology, anthropology and cultural studies, Social work, Political studies, Social communication and information studies, Law € 1000 € 1000
Earth sciences, Mathematics, Informatics and computer science € 1500 € 1500

History and archeology

€ 1000

€ 1000


€ 1000

€ 1000

Religion and Theology

€ 1000

Fine arts

€ 3800

€ 3800



Areas of higher education, professional fields and programmes

Master (Law)

Master after bachelor

Full Time

Part Time

Full Time

Part Time

Education theory and management, Pedagogy, Pedagogy of teaching…, Economics, Tourism, Administration and governance, Philology, Psychology, Sociology, anthropology and cultural studies, Social work, Political studies, Social communication and information studies, Law

€ 1000

€ 1000

€ 1300

€ 1300

History and archeology € 1300 € 1300 € 1300 € 1300
Philosophy € 1300 € 1300 € 1300 € 1300
Religion and theology € 1300 € 1300 € 1300 € 1300

Earth sciences, Mathematics, Informatics and computer science

€ 1500

€ 1500

Fine arts

€ 3800

Programmes for joint admission of international students following bilateral agreements with the University of Veliko Tarnovo

€ 1000

€ 1000

€ 1200

€ 1200



Areas of higher education, professional fields and programmes

Full Time

Part Time

Distance Learning

Pedagogy, Pedagogy of teaching…, Economics, Tourism, Administration and governance, Psychology, Sociology, anthropology and cultural studies, Social work, Political studies, Social communication and information studies € 2,000 € 2,000 € 2,000
Philosophy € 2,200 € 2,200 € 2,200
Law € 2,000 € 2,000 € 2,000
Philology € 2,000 € 2,000 € 2,000
History and archeology € 2,200 € 2,200 € 2,200
Religion and theology € 2,400 € 2,400 € 2,400
Education theory and management € 2,000 € 2,000 € 2,000
Earth sciences € 2,500 € 2,500 € 2,500
 Informatics and computer science   € 2,600 € 2,600 € 2,600
Fine arts € 3,000 € 3,000 € 3,000


  1. Politology. International Relations, 4 semesters

    Annual tuition fee: € 1950

Enrolment requirements

In order to enrol, applicants must have a bachelor’s degree with 240 ECTS.

Applicants should prepare all of the required documents, which depend on the country they are issued in. International students may have to submit their bachelor’s or master’s degree diplomas for recognition at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria. This should be done at least three months prior to applying for enrolment in the respective master’s degree programme.

Required documents for international students

Please check the enrolment requirements listed here!

For further information, please contact Mrs Silviya Georgieva